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Showing posts from 2014

Question, think, choose

Another semester over. I would like to share about my experience of it but this blog is about my thoughts. So, while I look for some stimuli to produce some interesting thought reactions, I am sharing this answer of mine on Quora . The question is: Why do people find it so difficult to question their values and beliefs?

Just Wing It!

This is another post adapted from my answer to a quora question : How should a person deal with his or her sexuality issues? Especially for those who are still figuring things out to avoid coming to a wrong conclusion. I think the answer I came up with is quite interesting and applies to a lot of things we are in doubt about ourselves.

Debates on Religion

I recently have become quite active on Quora . I have come across questions and answers that are ignorant, biased, riddled with fallacies and even those that contradict themselves. One of the most vibrant question was one regarding religion (Christianity, in particular).


This is adapted from an answer I posted on Quora. What is maturity? Can you define discrete levels of maturity? How can one's maturity level be measured relatively, if not quantitatively? How much mature is good enough to qualify one to be called a grown-up?


Seriously! Why don't you respond?!?!?!


Advisory: In this post I'm going to refer to the Myers Briggs' Type Theory extensively. So, to better understand this, I suggest that you familiarise yourself with it first. Everybody listens to music. Everybody has their own choices. Some like all kinds. Some like some aspects of all genres. Some just listen to fill the silence, without really listening to it. People are defined by their music choices. So much are the people defined by it, that at some personality classification site I saw music instruments being assigned to personality types. And I can't deny that the instrument for me is something I really like to listen to, but still, I'm the 'some aspects of all genres' guy (It's piano, btw).

Logic & Emotion

I have been finding things to write about since a long time. Then I had a discussion with one of my more emotional and thus less logical classmate, whom I rarely even greet, on a sociological topic (sounds more scholarly than the real thing, seeing as it started on the freshman hotties). The classmate displayed a low aptitude to pursue a multifaceted, multivariable non-linear logical thought process. So, I was easily bored and started one of my subroutines while talking with him. I started analysing his arguments in a direction to predict the dude's hang-ups, insecurities etc by looking through the minor incoherencies, logical gaps and fall-throughs in his arguments. I thought of writing about the extrapolation I had done on my observations between the elevator and my room. While writing about it, I wanted to write 'emotions and logic cannot coexist'. But I knew there is much more to it than that. So, I decided to write on this topic.

An idea on Religion

So, I'm at home in my semester end holidays. And within a few days I was bombarded by religion an unbelievable number of times, every time in a different way. It was almost like the universe was trying to tell me something.


My end semester exams just got over and I thought that I should write something for my new blog. So, I started thinking about something to think which I can then post. I failed magnificently for two evenings in a row. On the third evening I opened the editor and I thought: screw this. Let's start the topic as 'topics' and see where my thoughts go.