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Valentine's Day

I do not understand Valentines Day. I just don't get it. It's not because I'm single that I'm saying this. I did not understand it even back when I was in a serious, committed relationship.
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Elephant and the blind men

This is a very old and famous tale, usually associated with the knowledge of Jainism.

Two Truths To Live By - Alexander Schindler

I have decided to change the aim of this blog. I am currently stalled* and I realized that I am going to be so again and again, I have decided to post not just my thoughts but other stuff also. I intend to keep the nature of the content just as it is now but just generalize it more. I will now also share whatever I chance upon during my semi-aimless research. Basically converting it into fuel for thought. In this post I am sharing a speech delivered by Alexander Schindler  to some university students.

Question, think, choose

Another semester over. I would like to share about my experience of it but this blog is about my thoughts. So, while I look for some stimuli to produce some interesting thought reactions, I am sharing this answer of mine on Quora . The question is: Why do people find it so difficult to question their values and beliefs?

Just Wing It!

This is another post adapted from my answer to a quora question : How should a person deal with his or her sexuality issues? Especially for those who are still figuring things out to avoid coming to a wrong conclusion. I think the answer I came up with is quite interesting and applies to a lot of things we are in doubt about ourselves.