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Just Wing It!

This is another post adapted from my answer to a quora question: How should a person deal with his or her sexuality issues? Especially for those who are still figuring things out to avoid coming to a wrong conclusion.
I think the answer I came up with is quite interesting and applies to a lot of things we are in doubt about ourselves.

First, I would like to say that I believe that nothing is correct or incorrect in this world and nothing is (morally) right or wrong.

Now, What I have understood through pondering over the last year is that people grow and learn throughout their life and they learn when they make mistakes. To make a mistake they take a step. To take a step they decide a direction to take a step. If the person in doubt is still figuring things out, this means they are deciding the direction to take a step and maybe even taking steps in some direction. This means that it is possible that they will make a mistake. It means that they are learning. This means that they are on the right path even when they go on the wrong path.

You are a dynamic, living being. There is no human who has it all figured out and defined. The definitions are bound to change and if the definitions are bound to change, there is no correct definition. If there is no correct definition, all are incorrect. If all are incorrect, none are incorrect*. So, you are always correct (Or, if you prefer, it doesn't matter if you are correct or not).

You should not avoid coming to a wrong conclusion, but instead avoid coming to a conclusion at all. There is no point in even trying as it will either be thrown out the window in the future or it will hamper your growth if not done so. Be bold and brave. Experiment. Let loose. Be magnificent. And just wing it!

*That is because they are complimentary values, like hot and cold. One cannot exist without the other. Hot can exist when we know what cold is.


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