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My name is Shubham Agarwal.
I am a college student. I am not going to tell you the degree I'm pursuing because it will interfere with your perception of my posts. The details may slip through in my posts but you'll have to read them to find them and it doesn't matter after you've started reading them.

Earlier the aim of this blog was to catalog and share my more articulate thoughts. After about 7-8 months I realized that I had too few spontaneous thoughts that were articulate and specific enough to share and that I also remembered, insufficient to keep people interested. So, now I just share anything I know or learn or just anything I want to share with people interested.

Though I like to share my knowledge, there is a problem with me. The problem is that I am not very proficient in sharing my thoughts and they may not make sense to you or may seem very incoherent, but I assure you that they make perfect sense to me and they will to you too, hopefully. Just be patient with me. I hope you will get used to my style and also that I'll improve upon my skills over time.

One more thing is that I use logical deduction a lot and the logical leaps I take may not be very obvious at times. Please do ask me anything.

Also, I want to interact with my readers. Please tell me whatever you think of my posts. You are welcome to talk with me about anything else too. It might even become my next post. I love to discuss ideas, theories and such stuff. But please avoid discussing politics with me as I'm not very knowledgeable about that. And please be logical and open to discussion and new ideas.
Thank you.


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