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Question, think, choose

Another semester over. I would like to share about my experience of it but this blog is about my thoughts. So, while I look for some stimuli to produce some interesting thought reactions, I am sharing this answer of mine on Quora. The question is: Why do people find it so difficult to question their values and beliefs?
The people generally form attachment to their beliefs and the way of life and principles. When attachment and emotions come into the picture, rationality is thrown out the window. The religion then does not remain about what is it they believe in, but rather it becomes a symbol of emotional security.
Asking the people to question those beliefs is like asking them to consider becoming emotionally vulnerable.
It is like asking a chair to consider removing one of its legs. I'm talking about a three legged stool that has an additional leg in the middle. When the chair is weak, the leg is actually useful but practically it is of no use. So, the people who rely on the fourth leg think that the seat will fall off without it. It is a scary thought.
If someone suggests you something really risky, you will do it only if you trust the person's judgement a lot. Now, tell me, who in today's world considers anybody elses judgement to be better than theirs?

The only way to make them question their beliefs is to somehow convince them that your judgement is better than theirs. This is usually not that easy and takes strategy and time. Also, each person needs to be approached differently because every person is vulnerable in a different manner.

People can get attached to different aspects of the religion. Some get attached to a certain philosophy or idea out of the many that the religion upholds. Some may get attached to the name or to the community (family, friends). Most of the people are attached to the name or community. I think this makes them more prone to being manipulated.


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