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Mother's Day Frenzy

Come Mother's Day and the internet is flooded with how grateful we should be for mothers, how much mothers love their children, yabada yabada yappity yabada.
Don't you think we all already know all this? We love our mothers or mother figures. And they love us back.
I just logged in on facebook and saw a friend's long post glorifying mothers and their love. For a moment I felt guilty that I was not posting anything about my love for my mother. But then my brain kicked in and I just got lost over the posts. What where they trying to convey? What is the meaning and purpose of these posts?
I am a person who does not believe much in celebrations. I feel that that's not a trait that society approves of but then I have never really cared about the society's views, traditions, rules, expectations and stuff. I do not mean to convey a sense that I am against celebrations and the positive feelings of happiness, gratitude etc it represents. Its just that celebrations end...
I see people's posts proclaiming their love for their mothers and celebrating mothers. But I just feel that there's no point in that because all that we do on mother's day, that's not what mothers want (I think). They don't need us to plaster 'I love my mom' everywhere. They don't need gifts or cards from us on mother's day.
They just want you to take care of yourselves. They just want to now you're safe wherever you are. They just want to know that you are eating nutritious, healthy food. They just want to know that you are not skipping breakfast, or any meal of the day. They just want to shield you from injury, heartbreak, basically any kind of pain.
They are always anxious about you when you are away from them.
I see people in hostels treating their mothers in different ways. Some don't talk to them for days. Some argue with them. Some behave impatiently with them, after all, she should understand that the kids nowadays are so busy and important. Her nagging due to care is misunderstood as an attack at one's freedom or doubt on one's ability to do something or sometime's even one's ego (though I don't understand how. Why would she mean such a bad thing? Don't you trust her? The only way one's ego can get hurt is in the absence of trust over the other or on yourself (Me thinks)).

Anyway, not getting too carried away, I think all a mother wants from her children is to let her know that they are safe, healthy and, if possible, call her and meet her frequently cause she does not trust you with yourselves. You cannot end your mother's worries. Ever. Trust me, she will worry about your food even if you are the world's best freaking dietician (though she may not say it cause she knows your reaction). It may be a bit irritating or frustating but yeah, there's no escaping that. But she will be grateful if you put some of her worries to rest.
Now, I am not saying I am the best son or something. So, don't attack me. But I do try not to rush my mother when she calls me and let her satisfy her worries as much as she can (I am too lazy to call her. And I know she will call me anyways, so why put in the effort. And I know what my mother's reaction will be to this and I can't stop smiling thinking about it. I love teasing her like this. Damn. I love my mummy.) Also, I know there's no point in trying to misguide her that I'm doing everything as she told me to do. She catches my bluff everytime (And I mean EVERY FRICKIN' TIME! Its simply baffling) and so I always say the truth thus now she knows that when I say that I am drinking milk regularly, she does not have to doubt the truth of that statement because I tell her the other five things I am not doing according to her. And thus, she does not nag me too much because she knows I am simply not going to do anything till I don't feel like it(Focus on 'not too much'. She does say it one or two times at least in each phone call).
But you know what? I love it that she does nag me a little (Mummy, read again: 'a little'. I know what you are thinking.). Its her way of loving me. And a tip for everyone: Let her nag you. She needs it and has the right to do it. Also, you deserve it, you lucky person, for not listening to her nags (Don't deny it. I know you don't. Say whatever you want, I'm not listening. La la la la la la la...)


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