In a village, the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself, but no one else. This statement appears to be innocent but when you ask the question," Who shaves the barber? ", it all starts falling apart.
I have decided to change the aim of this blog. I am currently stalled* and I realized that I am going to be so again and again, I have decided to post not just my thoughts but other stuff also. I intend to keep the nature of the content just as it is now but just generalize it more. I will now also share whatever I chance upon during my semi-aimless research. Basically converting it into fuel for thought. In this post I am sharing a speech delivered by Alexander Schindler to some university students.
It was around Christmas that I came around a question on reddit which asked,"Why do atheists also celebrate Christmas?". So, I wrote this. It seemed good at the time but I now see the pitfalls and shortcomings: